Thursday, April 3, 2014

Introducing....Josiah Jerome Olson

Through the eyes of Josiah Jerome Olson, his birth story.

                           We're pregnant!                     20 weeks!               The night before he was born.
                                                                                                              (9 days overdue)

So, as most of you out there can see, I have been growing and growing over the last nine months. Mommy's tummy has gotten lots bigger to make room for me growing big and strong in here and she keeps it nice and warm for me. She talks to me and tells other people about what I've been up to. She's very proud of me. I haven't really met her yet, but even so, I love her very much. Mommy feeds me really good; I really like it when she eats fruits and veggies, those are my favorite. Daddy is really fun too, I hear him every day when he sings to me, talks to me, and prays with mommy for me. I can't wait to meet him too.

Everyday, I feel this cold draft on my back for a short amount of time when she goes to work..I'm not sure why she gets cold so fast and then warms right back up again. I keep hearing her talk about the 'snow' that won't go away and the 'cold weather.' I don't like the sounds of those things, so I think I might stay in here where it's warm for as long as possible.


The midwife told mommy that I was supposed to come February 24th, but I really liked being in her tummy. It was warm and I got to be with mommy ALL the time. I loved being her little tag-a-long everywhere she went. By March, though, I was getting a little cramped and couldn't stretch my legs out very well. I would try to stretch my foot out straight and mommy would jump and push my foot back, I guess it hurt when I did that. So, on March 5, I mustered up all the courage I had in my little body, and by 4:30 a.m. on March 6, I let mommy know that I was finally ready to come out of my warm cocoon and see the world that she and daddy lived in. I woke her up early because I was just so excited for what was about to take place!

As the day progressed, she and daddy would time the 'contractions.' Every couple of minutes mommy's tummy would tighten around me like a big hug, but after lunch, those hugs didn't feel as nice as they did before and I don't think mommy liked them either. I could hear her moaning with each one and I was busy doing my fair share of work too, getting my head straightened the right way to come out. It's tough work being born!

We went to the hospital in the afternoon around my nap time, but it was hard to nap with all of those 'contractions' going on! If only they would give me a break so that I could nap and then keep doing my job of getting my head to fit the right way outta here.

I was so happy when mommy finally got into the bathtub because her whole body relaxed and I did too. The water around her tummy was so warm and I felt very safe. I tried my best to get moving quickly because I was getting tired and so was mommy. She wasn't laughing and talking to daddy anymore between 'hugs', she was silent between them and moaned very loudly when each big 'hug' came.

Before I knew it, the time came and my body was freed into a warm place where many hands were holding me. Next the hands put me on mommy's chest where I let out my first hello to the world. Mommy held me close to her chest and when the midwife asked if I had a name, she looked up at daddy, smiled, and said, "His name is Josiah Jerome." I was so happy to finally see her and be held close to her on the outside. Daddy is super nice too, he really likes to hold me and his big strong arms make me feel really safe.

So that's me! Now I'm here and learning lots about this big world. Mommy is still waiting for the cold to go away for good and I definitely agree now that I know what it is. More about me to come later. :)