Mobility...the delight of our 8 month old!
He has just begun the endeavor of swimming his way across our floors, discovering that he can get to things himself now....which means....INDEPENDENCE!
Now that our little man can get to whatever is within army crawling distance on the floor, it is now time to get things up off the floor and out of reach of his exploring hands. The evil dust bunnies or little crumbs that fall off of the table; the cord running from the lamp to the outlet and the hot doors to the gas fireplace. Uffda, who knew this world could be so excitingly dangerous?!?
It is such a joy to watch him become more aware of his surroundings lately. He turns to find out where the sound of the beeping watch came from or to listen to the church bells ringing outside every day at noon and six o'clock. He understands the difference between our things and his...which means that of course our things are much more interesting and cool to touch and put in his mouth.
"Yummy, that phone tastes so good, I tell you what, who knew technology could taste to good!"
Our tough guy is cruising too! He loves to go back and forth along our coffee tables or couches and his delight is expressed in constant babbling of 'dada' and 'babababa.' (Dad definitely won that one) He will get so excited that he starts to bob up and down, groovin so much that he usually ends up bopping his mouth on the edge. But, as I said he's a tough guy, he doesn't even skip a beat, just keeps going. In fact, just after his tough encounter with the table, he'll lean his head down and give it a big ol' kiss as if to say, "sorry about that, I'll kiss your booboo!" What a character!
Children truly are a blessing from the Lord and it is such a pleasure to watch our little one grow and learn more about himself and the world around him. Next on the docket...walking!