Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Camera Roll

Several times I have attempted to begin this post, but it's hard to try to somehow convey the whole of what our life has entailed over the last couple of months. We've left dear friends and an incredible congregation in PA, moved 500+ miles away to MO, made the first house we've owned our home, Nathan has begun his PhD classes, I've met some delightful women to share life with, and Josiah has begun talking.....uffda!  There is so much more that has happened in that time as well, but that at least gives you an idea of what the Olson household has been up to, and here's a quick preview of recent life via photos.

Our first home sweet home that we own <3
House projects have taken up a good chunk
of our evenings and weekends.
Nathan's cage (literally) at school where
he spends most of his time studying/
My favorite little man! And I get to spend all day
with this genius, everyday! So blessed  to be his mama!
Visiting the farm in KS. Josiah
fix for the Hoops grandparents! 
Josiah's first ride in a tractor with Uncle Benjamin,
 who he calls --> umBa 
Just like the good old days,
going running with my sister <3
Making homemade salsa, yum!

<driving the ole' Massey>
The St. Louis zoo is amazing!!! And....
it's FREE!!! Love it!

The Olson Women (plus Josiah)

We all were at a wedding in IL
and took advantage of this photo op!

Josiah fix for the Olson grandparents!

Shaving cream is so much fun!

St. Louis hosts a hot air balloon race every year
and we got to watch! There were something like
30 balloons racing!

My heart melts watching how these two interact.
They are the best of friends!

<hanging out at Steak'n'shake watching the balloon races>

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Just a "See ya later"

I have trouble defining the feeling I've had walking into this final week of living in the "Burgh." For the most part, I've been in complete denial that we are actually  moving on the 27th, hoping that somehow THAT will make it true....but knowing that it really won't. :)  Nonetheless, we have had an incredible year out here in Pittsburgh, as Nathan has been serving out his internship at Ruthfred Lutheran Church and we are going to have a hard time saying good-bye.

And now the tears commence.

Uffda, the reality has set in, I am no longer in denial as our house sits almost completely packed and as we eat off of plastic because all of the dishes are packed away. I just finished rocking our not-so-little-anymore son back to sleep from waking up a bit too early for the day. There is something incredibly peaceful and relaxing about rocking a child in a rocking chair as they cuddle in your embrace as the early  morning rays of sun peek through the blinds. After this morning, his room will be boxes and a pack-n-play and the crib and rocking chair will be out of his room for ease of packing the truck the day it comes.

Josiah has covered so many milestones here in this parsonage! He learned to roll over, sit up, crawl, walk, babble, and got his first teeth here.  He graduated to a crib when we moved here, he began sleeping through the night (finally) and was weaned here. He learned how to wave bye-bye, how to use baby sign language, and how to fold his hands to pray here. He learned how to play in the great outdoors here and what a cool, wiggly worm feels like in his hands here. And there is so much more for him to learn after we leave here as well, but it is cool to see what all he's been through in our short time here.


Nathan has learned the life of ministry from a new perspective here. He's been able to do countless visitations to people in the church and to share God's encouraging Words with them. The exposure he has had to the down-in-the-trenches life of a pastor is priceless. He's done funerals, weddings, baptisms, youth group, youth and adult Sunday School, confirmation, small group work, counseling, visitations, and so many more things that I probably don't even realize that he's had the opportunity to experience and do. I've watched him grow in his preaching abilities, I've seen him wrestle through tough situations and come out on the other side having learned something, and I've watched how God has used him as His instrument in bestowing His grace, love, truth, forgiveness, and sometimes even confrontation amongst His flock. Aside from church, I've witnessed him become a delightful dad who has the complete adoration of our son, and I've grown to love him even more as my husband and best friend. Just like his name comes up in my phone, he is "God's perfect gift to me."

As for me, this has been a emergent year for me. I have made deep, long-lasting friendships with other moms who have lived in the daily trenches of motherhood with me, who have shared life freely and openly with me (and vice versa), who have loved on  me and blessed me into this role of motherhood (Josiah was just 2.5 mo. old when we came out here). I have been deeply touched by members of the congregation who have come alongside each of us in our family and made lasting impacts on our lives in many different ways. I have wrestled through what it means to be a mother, what I want to be as a godly homemaker, how I am gifted to serve as a pastor's wife, and emerged better on the other side.

There are members who have invested in Nathan's life as encouragers in his journey to becoming a pastor and teacher. There are those who have taken Josiah under their wing and shown him the love of Jesus through their one-on-one interactions with him at church and through babysitting. There are those who have lifted me up in my role as a mother, wife, and pastor's wife, and given me the freedom to be the person I've been created to be as each of those roles are played out in my life.

Not to mention all of the travelling we've been able to do! We've visited D.C., Niagra Falls, Philadelphia, the Statue of Liberty, Punxstawney, Amish country in Lancaster, the Creation Museum, and probably more of Pittsburgh than your average Pitssburgher. The experiences we have had here are numerous and each one has been a blessing to add to our list of gifts from God.

It's just a 'see ya later,' because we will be back. Pittsburgh will forever have a special place in our hearts and we can't imagine not coming back after how this place has left such an imprint on our hearts in such a short amount of time.

Pray for us in these next couple of days and weeks as we transition to St. Louis and begin another journey and learn another place that is completely new to us. Lift us up in prayer as Nathan prepares to begin his PhD classes, as I work to make our new house a home, and as Josiah adjusts to new surroundings and tries to understand what is happening.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

~ These are the times that make me smile ~

These lyrics have been running through my head all week. 

We have been teaching our son some sign language via "Baby Signing Time" to help him communicate certain things to us even before he starts speaking real words and it's working! The songs that are interspersed are so catchy that they are even stuck in Nathan's head, and he's only heard the songs a few times!

 I especially love this song because even more than how it talks about asking a child to show us a sign, it plays at the strings of my heart in how much I love being my boy's mama. I find myself singing it to him throughout the day and it reminds me of how precious this time with him is and the beauty of motherhood and it's many labors of love. 

"How are you doing little one, my little one, my little one
I'd like to know what's on your mind
Our days together, time together, you and me, our one on one,
These are the times that make me smile
You make me smile

Tell me that you love me
Tell me that you're thinking of me
Tell me all about the things you're thinking
Day and night, both day and night.
Tell me that your happy
And you love it when we're laughing
Tell me more, oh tell me more, show me a sign
Show me a sign, show me a sign

Every day you grow up more
And teach me more
About what I'm here for
And every day I love you more,
I love you more, I love you!

Tell me that you love
Tell me that you're thinking of me
Tell me all about the things you're thinking
Day and night, both day and night
Tell me that you're happy,
And you love it when we're laughing
Tell me more, oh tell me more, show me a sign"

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Nathan-style Labor of Love

That look. That look in his eyes gives me goosebumps. That look from 4 years ago when we were dating and decided to take some random fun pictures at a park remains the same even today. It looks like the picture below, of him 
holding our son for the first time in one arm and holding my hand in the other as the midwife tended to me in the delivery room.

And do you know just what that look holds? It encompasses love, affection, loyalty, servant leadership, sacrifice, appreciation, patience, gentleness, and pure joy that he offers to the young woman God ordained that he should meet, court, and marry. It holds commitment, saying, "I love you no matter what, I promise." It holds a vow to God to love me as Christ loves the church and laid His life down for her.

I love this guy so much, my heart almost explodes when I stop to think of just how blessed I am that God brought us together. I do not even come close to deserving him.

This man loves so well. He sets a wonderful example for me of what it means to live a daily labor of love. Can I just boast in the Lord's work through this man for a moment?

Since we met, Nathan has been a humble servant leader. He watches out for my well being and leads us spiritually in daily devotions as a couple. He seeks to find ways to encourage me and bring out God's best in me. Quotes like, "That is a GREAT idea!" encourage me greatly. He can make me laugh and he can bring on the waterworks (good ones <3) with just a few words from his lips. He tells me I'm beautiful; he really means and believes it even when my hair hasn't been washed in days and I'm still in my mismatching pajamas in the afternoon. He breaks the stereotype of what a lot of people think of men to be, but he doesn't act all proud and snooty about being different. It's just who he is and he doesn't succumb to the stereotypes.

God has molded in him a heart to love others very deeply. He genuinely has a heart of love for people and you can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice that he isn't just offering lip service. At work he is pulled in many different directions and dimensions of ministry displaying his flexibility and ability to be in the moment with a person in their given situation of trial, praise, or question. He gives them his full attention. What a guy!

He works hard, and I mean really hard, and it is all done as a daily labor of love for His King (Colossians 3:23). He can squeeze so much productivity into a single hour it makes my head spin. I remember one night when we were both writing papers at the kitchen table (his for a Seminary Class, mine for a college counseling class) and he whipped out a 7 page paper in the time I had barely gotten 2 pages typed. He is a machine, yet his work is high quality. He works hard but still makes the time to stop me while I'm cleaning around the house to offer a hug of appreciation and gratitude for my labors of love at home. I am so grateful for the testimony he lives in all of these ways (and many others) because it keeps me focused on Christ, the Author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2)

He is also a fantabulous Dad! (yes, I just made that word up) From the moment I got the positive on the pregnancy test, he initiated nightly prayers for our child, something we have continued with devotions every night with Josiah before he goes to bed. Our house is right across the street from church, so Josiah eagerly awaits at the door as Daddy walks home from work, bouncing and yelling "Da" through the window. Nathan loves to engage him in many games of singing and dancing, chasing around the house and playing peak-a-boo, and the famous whisker rubs that really bring out the giggles and squeals!

He is living a wonderful example to Josiah of what it looks like to be a family man, a man who honors God first and foremost, a man who works hard with great integrity, and a man who also knows how to relax and be silly.

I love this man, I love him as my husband, my friend, and the father to our son.  Happy Father's Day Nathan!