This week marks the half-way point of my pregnancy. 20 weeks
done, 20 weeks to go.
As I have sat and looked back over my
pregnancy so far, I can’t help but be truly amazed. To think that God created a
woman’s body to grow another human being inside of her is something that
evolution could never create or explain. To think that He made our bodies just
so, so that they could stretch, nourish, and provide protection for His
precious gift of a child.
I remember the time of testing, thinking, but not knowing
for sure if God had provided the miracle of conception to us. I remember
telling our family and friends the news because we just couldn’t keep quiet
about it! Even when I think back to those 9 awful weeks of having
morning….all-day sickness, and I remember how horrible it was in the moment, I know
that I would do it all again in a heartbeat! …and I’m not even done with baby
#1 yet!
I have laughed very naively as I have read the weird quirks
that can come with each pregnancy…and then realize, ‘o my, they weren’t
kidding’ when it actually comes true for myself! #Disclaimer# No I haven’t eaten pickles on ice
cream (yet) or woken up at 2 a.m. to clean our whole house and set up the baby
room (yet). #Truth# I do love pickles a lot and I have gotten way too emotional
over things that have absolutely NO significance.
I will never forget the first time we heard the heartbeat,
or the first time I felt our little baby kick (three times in a row!). A smile
creeps onto my face each time I think about how Nathan started teaching the
baby how to count, add, and subtract….all at a mere 5 weeks! These are
treasured moments, and I want to treasure every single one.
20 weeks down, 20
weeks to go.
20 more weeks until I will be holding our baby in my arms.
~Only 20 weeks left of the time that God knits this little miracle
together inside my womb.
~Only 20 weeks until I have to start thinking about periods
~Only 20 weeks until we transition from ‘the married club’ to
‘the parents club.’ …..does that make us ‘old’ now? ;)
~20 more weeks until the end of my pregnancy….but also only
20 weeks until our child’s life begins outside the womb!
~Only 20 weeks to when being daddy and mommy takes on a
whole new meaning for us.
~God’s perfect little miracle.