Thursday, June 19, 2014

Littlest known, yet most influential mom.

What does it mean to be a Mother? Is it merely a title given to any woman who conceives a child? Is it merely the tasks we complete each day to make sure everyone in the house is clothed, fed, cleaned, and put to bed? Is it more than that? Dear friend, I say, it is MUCH more than that.

Being a mother myself now, it's amazing to me what is birthed in a woman when she gives birth to a child. A sense of wonder, achievement, fear, responsibility, commitment, and deep unconditional love all well up from depths that we did not know existed. It's almost as if a new person comes into being as we take on the blessed task of raising the little one that lies in our arms immediately after birth. Such a huge and daunting task this is, such a heavy burden to bear. BUT, also such a blessing it is to be given the gift of motherhood and to watch your little one grow and flourish under your care and correction, love and affection, teaching and direction.

 I was so encouraged as Nathan preached at a nearby church that day and he spoke of the littlest known, yet most influential mom in the Bible. Her name was Jochebed, and though she is only mentioned in 2 verses in the entire Bible, she raised 3 of the most influential children in the Old Testament - Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Jochebed did her God-given task of raising 3 godly children who would one day lead the entire nation of Israel out of captivity and into the Promised Land. She faithfully taught them and led by example what it meant to trust and follow God no matter the circumstances. Nathan encouraged we mothers in the church (those with children of their own as well as those spiritual children) that though we may go unnoticed or unspoken of, our influence is great and God gives us such a gift in being able to instill His statutes into the children He blesses us with. That is my hope and prayer, that though people may not remember me, or speak often of me in years to come, I hope and pray that what I have taught my children about our Lord and Savior would live on as they testify of their faith, hope, and trust in Him.

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