It was such a blessing to spend time with family and see the beauty in God's design of it. God designed family to remind us of our relationship with Him as His children, something that I came to realize means much more to me than ever before. You are still family no matter how many miles may separate you, and the history and connection you share is timeless. Hugs hold something almost like electricity, giving life. Late night conversations about life's passions, dreams, and struggles are shared in the safety of home, refreshing the soul. Ah, it was good to be home.
Our little guy did so well too, travelling 2+ hours in a plane one way, 9 hours in a car one way to KS, and meeting so many 'new' people that he was re-acquainted with. He was the center of attention and I think he realized that pretty quickly as the grins, giggles, and showing off began to surface.
Not only did we make this a trip to see family, but we also carved out some time for dear friends. As I partook in fellowship with women who have held significant roles as friends and mentors in my life, I began to realize how deeply each one has impacted my life. And as I spent time with them, my cup began to overflow. Even though I felt as though I barely scratched the surface of 'catching up' from the last 7 months, somehow, deep meaningful conversation still happened. I felt the twinkle in my soul revive as we poured our lives out to one another, encouraging one another in our different callings of life, continuing to deepen friendships that will last a lifetime. I remember one day returning to my in-law's home, cheeks sore from smiling and laughing so much with all of the women I had met with that day. God is SO good and I am one blessed woman.
Our trip was nothing short of a whirlwind as we tried to see as many people as we possibly could in the 2 short weeks we were back in the Midwest. We weren't able to see some people for as long as we desired and others we didn't get to see at all, but we did our best and tried to be at peace knowing we only had 2 weeks to fit it all in.
And now, as I sit once again on my couch in our beautiful home in Bethel Park, PA, I know that this too is home, the place God has planted me to bloom for His glory and to share with these people the love He has for all of us. I do miss my home away from this home, but God is good and I am ever so grateful for the privilege to at least visit there for a while.
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