In 2014, I was challenged by a dear friend to choose one word to focus on for a year. No New Years Resolutions, no lists of habits to curb/break, no exercise or health tracks to join, just one word. One word to focus on, to meditate on, to be challenged by ALL YEAR LONG.
So, last year, I prayed and sought out what one word God would have for my almost 22 year old, entering motherhood, self. I narrowed it down to two words, pause and cherish, but I couldn't decide which one to choose. I wrote them down on sticky notes on my desk and stared at them for a long time. Both were things I desired to do more of in my life, but which to choose?
I didn't end up needing to choose because the truth is that they must go hand in hand. In order to cherish something, you must first pause from everything else going on....and in looking ahead to motherhood, I wanted to take those moments to pause and cherish our family.
Pausing to cherish our little guy peacefully sleeping during Auntie's big graduation ceremony. |
Looking back at how much changed in this last year, I am so grateful that I was challenged to do this and I can definitely say that I paused often to cherish life - the big moments, the little moments, the busy and the slow moments, and even the mundane moments of life. And because of that, I'm doing it again, choosing one word/phrase to focus on ALL YEAR LONG.
Back in my years of elementary school, Christian acronyms were really big. Almost every young Christian kid wore a bracelet that read W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do), F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God), or something catchy like that on it. It was a fun and simple way to remind ourselves of our walk with God in the secular world around us, and they looked pretty cool too! My favorite one was always F.R.O.G. and I think I even made a backpack keychain, out of beads, of a frog and put the letters F.R.O.G. in it. Cool huh?!? It's SO last year, I know, but it really was cool back then. (wow, did I really just type, "back then?") It's been years since I've used some of those acronyms but I still remember what they stand for and I love the meaning that is packed into these little words that someone made into an acronym.
So, in coming into the New Year of 2015, I pondered for several days what word I should choose for this year. Last years words were so good and I wanted this year to be just as meaningful. I wanted to choose carefully, listening for God's leading in what He wanted me to focus on this year, and I wanted the word to challenge me in my walk with Him.
F.R.O.G. kept coming to mind. Fully Rely On God, Fully Rely On God. "But it's not one word," I kept thinking..... but it kept coming back and as I laid it before the Throne, I realized just how much this concept would shape me this year.
- In about five months, we will be finishing up our internship and moving once again to a new home in a new state. Fully Rely On God during the packing up, saying goodbye, life transitions, and new surroundings.
- Fully Rely On God for the next year (3-4 actually) while hubby pursues his calling in teaching by getting his PhD, and I continue in my mommyhood and PHT (Put Hubby Through) degrees.
- Fully Rely On God as our little man continues to grow and learn, looking to me for direction, guidance, encouragement, and correction.
- Fully Relying on God to continue to shape and mold this clay pot that I am, knowing each adjustment, addition, or modification to that pot could be tedious and painful at times.
- Fully Rely on God for time management in making time for Him each and every day because He is the one that gives each and every new day.
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